Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
One-man-band live looping
Number of Performers:
1 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
Boasting an incredibly diverse song list and an impressive set of rehearsed & improvised arrangements, David Hudson can ensure just about anyone has a great time. From oldies to R&B, country, pop, alternative, and originals, there is something for everyone.
Based in Los Angeles CA
"Willowspeak gives rise a progressive blend of the many strands of folk, while unafraid to weave in influences ranging from post-rock to jazz. The sound spans an intriguing array of finger-style & percussive guitar, on-the-spot live looping arrangements, & ambient soundscapes. Nestled inside songs rich of nature heavy metaphors & emotionally vulnerable truths carried by a honey sweet voice, the listener is lead through an unexpectedly adventurous sonic journey.”
David Hudson also has a diverse repertoire of 300+ covers, with over ten years experience performing at restaurants, clubs, cruise ships (half year contracts performing seven nights/week), and events.