Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
standard performance
Number of Performers:
1 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
we are an a cappella singing group and don't take up much space, but we only have a very limited portable sound system. in a large room or an outdoor setting the customer will need to provide microphones and speakers
Vocal Vintage
Based in Edmonds WA
Vocal Vintage is a registered quartet in the Barbershop Harmony Society. We have been singing together for almost five years now, but we have well over 100 years of cumulative singing experience in barbershop quartets and choruses as well as other types of musical performance, including a cappella jazz and musical comedy. Singing together is a great joy for the four of us, and we try to share that joy with our audiences in performance. We do a variety of songs both old and new and throw in a little comedy sometimes intentional, sometimes not, too.