Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
Vic Moraga
Number of Performers:
1 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
Lighting, P. A. Sound System included (break music). For each additional musician - requesting an hour per musician. These are general estimations, with each event there are considerations in regards to the client, hours, and location.
Vic Moraga solo and Duo
Based in Hawthorne CA
80's-90's, Country And Western Crossover, Classic Rock Music, Jazz Classic American Songbook, Contemporary Music, Motown R&b, Contemporary Instrumentals, Latin Fused World Music, Original Music, Tropical Reggae Music
Vic Moraga tours throughout California. He performs as a soloist, duo, and with “The Vic Moraga Band”. He covers over 3,000 popular songs, most styles, genres, past to present, Contemporary, lounge, mid-tempo, up-tempo, Latin fused World music, instrumentals, and original music.
Vic Moraga perfroms at hotels, restaurants, wineries, casual and corporate events, Wedding and civic events, casinos, and concerts. He performs as a soloist, duo, with The Vic Moraga Band, (3 to 7 members), and I travel.