Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
Party Package
Number of Performers:
4 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
360 Photo Booth with one person to assist. Includes all kinds of sharing stations, QR , message, email and more.
Sujatha Jain
Based in Woodinville WA
Enhance your event with the Creative Socialite 360 Photo Booth, where unforgettable moments come to life in stunning 360-degree videos. Watch as your attendees have a blast, and instantly share the excitement across various social media platforms.
Our videos are easily shareable via airdrop, text messages, email, WhatsApp, or QR code, ensuring that the fun reaches everyone.
Picture this: as people step onto the mini stage, the magic begins. The rotating stage, accompanied by dynamic sparkling lights, crafts mesmerizing 360-degree motion videos that infuse your event with an electrifying atmosphere. It's a whole new party experience that you and your friends won't want to miss!