Sofia Galicia-Canto

Based in Long Beach CA

Sofia Galicia-Canto is a classically-trained harpist. Her mission is to spread joy using the beauty of her music. Her video submission was included in the Harps For Harmony Global Collaboration Project in 2020. She was a recipient of the Ikemi-Murakami Music Scholarship for continuing studies in the Irvine Valley College Department of Music in 2020 and recently was invited to give a solo performance as part of the IVC 2023 Music Scholarship Benefit Concert. Sofia has played with the Irvine Valley College Symphony Orchestra and the Irvine Valley College Harp Ensemble; currently she plays with the Cal State L.A. Wind Symphony, Orchestra, and University Harp Ensemble. 

As a student, she has participated in the American Harp Society LA Chapter Music Education Auditions & Evaluations, and has passed the American String Teachers Association Certificate of Advancement (ASTA CAP) Level 1 with honors and distinction for memory and preparation. 

Currently, Sofia is pursuing her Bachelor’s of Music in Harp Performance at Cal State Los Angeles. She is a student of Linda-Rose Hembreiker, and has performed in masterclasses with Chilali Hugo, Elisa Torres, Ann Marie Liss, and Heidi Lewhwalder. Her goals for the future are to keep advancing in her ASTA CAP placement and to do her junior recital.