Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
Minimum 15 minute Set
Number of Performers:
0 hours 15 minutes
Extra Hourly Rate:
We can provide sound if the performance space requires it. We usually price our gigs in additional 15 minute or quartet hour segments, adding or every additional 15 minutes above the first 15. We do not want to exceed a One Hour performance.
Smooth Brew Quartet
Based in Plano TX
We are a well-versed Barbershop Quartet with a wide variety of songs and styles. We specialize in Birthdays, Anniversaries, Senior Facilities and Senior Groups. We can offer standard Barbershop Music, as well as Oldies, Doo-Wop, and music from The American Songbook. We've been entertaining people in the greater Dallas area for the last 17 years. In general, we operate locally.