Santa Mario Licu
I am a Professional Real Bearded Santa Claus. A member in good standing with IBRBS (International Brotherhood Of Reall Bearded Santa's) and FORBS (Fraternal Order Of Real Bearded Santa's). I have Insurance and a Background check which is renewed yearly as a requirement to being a member in these Santa orginizations.
Santa Claus will arrive at your party or event and welcome everyone with "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town". I will mingle with your guests and take photo's. Hand out gifts to the children and guests. After gifts Santa will tell a story about "What Happened That Made Santa Claus Become Santa Claus" or "What Happened That Made Mrs Claus Become Mrs. Claus". Santa will say goodnight to all and tell everyone at the party they are on "Santa's Nice List".
Santa Mario is one of the official Santa's at The L.A. Zoo in Griffith Park