Santa Kringle

Based in Glenolden PA

A Professional Real Beard Santa serving South Eastern Pennsylvania,New Jersey and Delaware for Santa Kringle has been an entertainer for 25 years and has vast public speaking experience, Santa Kringle has photo background and is a master storyteller. His reading of twas the night before christmas at all his visits has been praised by Belivers of all ages Santa Kringle has also been known to throw in some Christmas magic at his visits. Santa Kringle's one gole at all his visits is the keep the sprit of Christmas alive in all he meets .Santa Frank is also available for speaking engagements . His motivational story of his life from being a professional wrestler for over 20 years to becoming Santa , His life's journey over coming many hardships to become a bringer of Joy and Happiness . Will interest all and his goal to motivate others to his positive outlook on life . A visit from Santa Kringle will be a magical experience remembered for years to come.

Santa Kringle has had the pleasure of visiting:
QVC Home Shopping

Master of ceremonies for the tree lighting on world famous South Street in Philadelphia 
94 WIP Sports radio
CBS Raido