Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
Number of Performers:
4 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
One Street Over
Based in Hayden ID
Cover Band, Pop Music, Classic Rock Music, Rhythm And Blues, Soul Music, Blues Music, Top 40 Music, Guitar Rock, Guitar Singer Songwriter, Country And Western Crossover
Stunning vocals & world-class musicianship mark this 5 star act as one of the top performing groups in the Pacific Northwest. OSO performs hits of the last 60 years with a knack for seamlessly blending a playlist of favorites both new and old. Hailing from Nashville, Bridgette, Jordan & Michael Lewis have made a name for themselves as seasoned recording artists and performers with a rich musical history. In 2022, OSO received an induction into the AGM Music Hall of Fame. Here’s what people are saying: "I can't get over how amazing that band was!" “Wow! This is how a band should sound!” and ; “I would travel great distances just to hear them. They are tremendous!”