Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
Notso Purdy - Duo
Number of Performers:
3 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
Rates for the Notso Purdy duo:
Small PA provided by duo:
1-2 Hours
3 Hours
PA provided by venue:
1-2 Hours
3 Hours
Notso Purdy Duo
Based in Ewa Beach HI
Notso Purdy is a 2-piece acoustic duo performing a cross-range of cover songs in the Rock, Alt Rock, Country, and R&B genre’s which appeal to a very broad audience. The emphasis is on getting the listeners’ heads nodding and feet tapping while enjoying solid listening music and making money for the venue. Located on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, the duo can travel to any venue on the island and promote all shows through their social media sites, fliers, and posters.