Michael Roy's Paper Magic

Based in Akron OH

Michelangelo Origami

Not your grade school teacher's origami! PAPER MAGIC is a mind-bending, paper-folding, your-world-ain’t-flat-no-more experience. Meandering event guests discover Folder Fantastique, Michael Roy Baldridge at his MicRo Gallery of Origami Art deftly displaying dazzling digital dexterity, morphing single flat squares of paper into 3D creatures by mere folding. No cuts. No tears. No glue. And no table! Without missing a crease, interactive performer, Michael Roy simultaneously (and at the same time!) keeps guests amused with a nonstop stream of offbeat witty repartee and useless (yet strangely fascinating) information, revealing the secrets and history of folding art. Guests marvel as Michael Roy works magic, with amazing manipulations, quick wit, and cool “transformers”.

And his mesmerizing MicRo Gallery displays pretty paper party pet caricatures so cool everyone will just have to have one! The best part? Your guests are always part of the show and may go home with an oh-so-cool keepsake!

Whether hanging out with guests at his MicRo Gallery of Origami Art or mingling among event guests, Cirque du Papier performer, Michael Roy, Folder Fantastique is appropriate wherever fine and fun close-up entertainment is needed. No matter the direction of your event: up-scale, down-home, or out-back; Michael Roy, Origami Artist will be a guest favorite!