Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
Solo Jazz Piano
Number of Performers:
1 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
This is a standard solo jazz piano set, complete with Great American Songbook standards, jazz classics, and any jazz covers or requests as previously discussed. Piano and amplifier will be provided by me. Additional travel stipends depending on location and other conditions may fluctuate cost.
Jazz Duo, piano/vocal or piano/instrumental
Number of Performers:
1 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
This is a standard jazz duo set, complete with Great American Songbook standards, jazz classics, and any jazz covers or requests as previously discussed. Piano, other instruments, and amplifier will be provided, but additional microphones/PA may be requested if working with a vocalist. Additional travel stipends depending on location and other conditions may fluctuate cost.
Jazz Trio + (vocal or instrumental)
Number of Performers:
1 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
This is a standard jazz trio set, complete with Great American Songbook standards, jazz classics, and any jazz covers or requests as previously discussed. Piano, other instruments, and amplifier will be provided, but additional microphones/PA may be requested if working with a vocalist. Additional travel stipends depending on location and other conditions may fluctuate cost. This pricing model will apply similarly as other players are added--for example a jazz quartet would be or the first hour and or every additional hour.
Jazz Piano by Max Berlin
Based in Los Angeles CA
My name is Max Berlin and I have been a working jazz pianist for over 10 years. I have experience in a multitude of jazz styles, expert-level vocal accompaniment, and have the ability to assemble a jazz combo or ensemble of any size or style. As a graduate of the Eastman School Of Music, I have a degree in composition and arranging--giving me the ability to fulfill any song or arrangement request. In addition to my jazz abilities, I can play show-tunes, pop, R&B, rock, blues, klezmer, and several other popular music styles.
I look forward to hearing from you and providing my services to elevate your next event!