Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
1 hour
Number of Performers:
1 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
martenas arts
Based in Atlanta GA
Im just a dude who really loves drawing, creating cartoons of people, and making them laugh. Caricature is a way to use my talent & artistry to deliver smiles to the masses. Hire me if you want to liven up a children/adult party, an event, a bar mitzvah, or any ol shindig you got goin. Ill do anything within a decent drive in the Seattle/Everett, Washington surrounding areas, big (100+guest) OR small.
I do B&W and Color; Heads/Full Body; Themes & Large groups (6+ people at a time). I'm speedy, accurate, creative, and detailed in my technique. Most of all, im there for all to have a good time!