Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
Mini Marching Band
Number of Performers:
0 hours 30 minutes
Extra Hourly Rate:
Want to surprise a co-worker on their birthday? Want to add some funk to your wedding proposal? Hire a 4 piece marching band to jazz things up!
8 Piece Band for a Wedding / Corporate Gig in Houston
Number of Performers:
2 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
We offer a stage band and a marching band and can easily switch from one to the other. Often couples ask us to march with them from the altar to the reception, provide a jazz band for the reception, and then provide a dance band for the party.
Marching Brass Duet
Number of Performers:
0 hours 45 minutes
Extra Hourly Rate:
You want a Brass Band marching down the street, through your party, around the block, from your reception to your dinner, but you don't have the budget for a full band? Cool! You need a sousaphone (marching tuba) and a trumpet or a sax. Our guys are ready to rock your party!
Free Radicals
Based in Houston TX
Thanks for considering the Houston Press' 13 time winner of the Best Jazz Award, and the Houston Chronicle's choice for the Best Local Album of 2020, Free Radicals.
We can perform as a jazz combo, a dance band with a horn section, a marching brass band with tuba, or even switch from one to another. We're available with 1 to 25 musicians. We play original instrumental material, and you can customize the band to your needs.
We hope we're a good match for your event!