Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
Emo Kids - Standard Show
Number of Performers:
2 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
We will require a stage and all sound for the show. If needed we can secure sound for an additional fee.
Open to travel, which will require additional fees for travel and acomodations.
We also can toss out free Emo Kids schwag, if desired.
Emo Kids
Based in Huntington Beach California
Emo Kids is the best emo cover band in Southern California and beyond! All of our members grew up listening to and playing emo music. Most of us even toured the country in our own emo bands. It was the defining sound of our generation that spawned a whole culture. Now, 20 years later, we all still love it and love performing the songs that made us.
From My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Taking Back Sunday, The All American Rejects, Blink-182, and more, join us for hours of your favorite emo hits at one of our next shows, or book us for your event!