D.C. "Slim" Briggs

Based in St. Cloud MN

I'm a nationally touring professional humorist that performs individually as well as produces. As a performer I present hunorous takes of social commentary through stories of my life along with personal observations. The signature theme that is very cleverly woven into each bit is term that I've created for myself which is "Negligibly Melanated". This is what I use to address the American conversation of race that oftentimes is only seen in sharply binary terms. I ofeer my audiences a whole new perspective of the racial gray area that is biraciality. Being a visual ethnically ambiguous black man in America, my life journey has led me to see that folks only know race through the skewed lenses of stereotypes.  My motto is, "The Hammer of Humor Breaks All Walls". 

As a producer, I view comedy as a product and as such it's probably malleable product ever. This philosophy allows me to apply the skill of humor to almost anything: from a play house stage to a senior living community. I always say, I'll play a funeral if asked to. That's because laughter is is the greatest medicine of nature. In addition to production I hire out as an event emcee, on field entertainment for sports organizations, trivia host, actor, and much more. Beyond the humor I believe in the value of building as well as maintaining strong business relationships every time I am given the opportunity to do so. 

If you'd like to learn first hand what I mean, Invite you to spark a conversation to do so. 


-D.C. "Slim" Briggs

D.C. Famous Presents