Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
Checkered Soul Price's
Number of Performers:
3 hours
Extra Hourly Rate:
Number of Performers: 4
Duration: 3 hours
We provide the PA for average sized events. Festival events or events in large venues will have to provide concert sound system.
Checkered Soul Blues Band
Based in San Antonio TX
Checkered Soul Blues Band.
We are Booking all venues. Clubs, Concerts, and Festivals. From San Antonio, TX to Dallas, TX. Up and down i-35 corridor.
We are not a Wedding band. We pride our self's on preforming live juke joint blues music. So, keep that in mind.
Pricing depends on venue. One hour in a small club would be a smaller amount then Two hours on stage at a large Festival.