Based in Renton WA

With growing popularity on platforms like iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and Amazon Music, the dynamic artist ROKSTA continues to rise, fueled by his vision of headlining world-class festivals such as EDC, ULTRA, Tomorrowland, and Paradiso. His high-energy themes, vibrant sound...      

UltraViolet Uforia
Based in Sammamish WA

Prepare to make your event the highlight of the year with the band UltraViolet Uforia!  ("uVu" for short.) Based in the Pacific Northwest, uVu draws on over 20 years of experience playing original material as well as over 1000 cover tunes of artists they are inspired by.  ...      

DJ Mo-Joe
Based in North Haven CT

EDM DJ/Producer. Available for Private Events, Clubs & Festivals. Specializing in all types of Electronic Dance Music; DJ Mo-Joe can mix it up for variety or stick to one sub genre. Mo-Joe is also available for Callaboration or Remix work. Based out of Connecti...