Mike Vax and TRPTS
Mike Vax and TRPTS Embark on a musical journey with Mike Vax and TRPTS (Trumpets), a groundbreaking ensemble that traces the rich history of jazz trumpet. Established in 1985, TRPTS serves as an experimental force, captivating audiences by channeling the essence of famed ja...
Mike Vax Quintet and Sextet
Mike Vax Quintet and Sextet Experience the infectious dynamism of Mike Vax and his Groups as they enthrall audiences wherever their musical journey takes them. Unbounded by the constraints of time or style, these ensembles achieve a mesmerizing swinging feel, seamlessly tra...
Great American Jazz Band
Embark on a musical journey with Mike Vax and his Great American Jazz Band, a dynamic ensemble that electrifies audiences wherever their notes resonate. Their music transcends the confines of time and style, creating an immersive experience that captures the essence of swingin...