Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
Berkshire Beatlesque
Number of Performers:
2 hours 30 minutes
Extra Hourly Rate:
This package includes our own lights & sound. If they are provided for us the price will be dropped to 6500.
Price is for two 50 minute sets with a 15 minute intermission. The stage area must be able to accomodate several ampliers, 2 keyboards and lighting equipment. Also if the distance is more than 100 miles from Pittsfield mass there is a travel charge of All shows will have a soundcheck so later than 1 hour before the show. A dressing room must be provided for clothing change and there will be food/water available to the band & crew.
Berkshire Beatlesque
Based in Pittsfield Ma
A musical tribute to the Beatles, including early material and later material as well. Our mission is to perform the music as close as possible to the original recordings.
While we do not use fake British accents and wigs or dress up as The Beatles,we DO dress with appropriate Beatle flavored attire and try to capture the feel, spirit and sound of the Beatles instead.
We have had many sell out shows and are getting great reviews in the New England area.